Friday, October 3, 2014

Better Late then Never

So I am about two weeks behind on our blog due to us moving. I am still unpacking and probably will be for a

Here is a quick look at what we have done training wise in the last two weeks.

Week of Sept 15th :

  We worked on Ara and Luke's team work. Ara used only Luke's vest (no leash) and gave him directions such as forward, turn, stop in our leaving room. Then we worked on block, around (where he circles Ara) lick (behavior interruption/ anxiety ect )and recalls all with Ara giving the cues.  If you go to the videos tab you can see some of the session. We did this a couple of times during the week.

At Ara's Therapy we worked on down stays, under, going up/down stairs, and handicap doors

We also worked on basic obedience, under a low table, down stays and noise conditioning

Week of Sept 22nd :

 Lowe's is one of our favorite stores. We got to work on a lot of things while there. We did down stays, some guide work, and Find Car. Find car is a newer task we are adding in. Once we are outside the store I will tell Luke to stop at the cross walk then forward followed by "Find the Car" once we get to the car I tell him "good find" and give him a bunch of treats.

We also went to Ace this week and again we worked on guide type work, Find Dad and Find Car plus just regular Public Access Training things.

Our last Rally O class was Thursday which was a full course run. We were able to fit in three different courses which was a lot of fun as you can see.

As you can see there were a lot of days off the last two weeks but this week ( week of Sept 29th) we have gotten back to regular training and are really excited with Luke's progress.

On Sept. 19th my parents had to put down their dog Wheezie she was 12yrs old. She was a sweet loving laid back lab mix that everyone adored. I still remember the day I called my parents to come look at two puppy's at the rescue I was volunteering at while in college. They took Wheezie home :) as a little ball of yellow fur. Here is one of the last and one of the best pics of her.

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